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Friday, April 10, 2015

The Kite - read the story for free!

Are you ready to get all judgy on me? 

The Kite is the first story for the upcoming anthology, The Bloody Trail of Disenchantment – which I realize is a mouthful. In The Kite, a woman reminisces about her idyllic childhood, her adoring daddy, her very first kite, and the moment everything changed.

You can read the second draft over at Wattpad or at Amapola Press here. You can comment on it, and feel free to critique to death for all it is worth, I welcome your feedback.
The Bloody Trail (which is a better, if slightly sinister title) will include stories about the aftermath of infidelity from various perspectives. That’s the goal, whether I can pull it off remains to be seen.
It occurs to me that at the end of my first story, I may not have answered the obvious questions that readers would naturally have. 
The experiment is to determine whether I have touched on what makes the story not just a good read but a memorable, emotional journey for the reader.
So I hand it to the world and let it judge the story in its infancy. Do the readers see the possibility of a good story that would or could grow on them?
There’s always the chance that a troll or two might make it into the process, especially because you may comment anonymously. That ought to make it even more interesting!
I’m not writing by committee, nor do I suggest anyone try that. I want to write, put the work up for review, and be responsive to criticism. I believe this exercise will make for an interesting developing experience. Or it might be a disaster. (In which case, it will make for great story fodder for a comedy!)
I think I know what the story is missing, but it will still be interesting to see how others judge it. That the experience may go from humbling to humiliating is just a risk one has to take when involved in creative pursuits. If nothing else, it might be a good way to develop a thicker skin.
FYI, the covers are placeholders—but feel free to critique them as well, if you have something constructive to add. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?

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